A library database is a an electronic collection of published works. Library databases have been curated to help you research different topics. Most databases will have full text and abstracting/indexing for academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and other resources.
Full text means that the database will provide digital access to a copy of the articles in the journal.
Abstracting and indexing means that the database provides basic information about articles in a journal. This information usually includes: title, author, publisher, publication date, topic, and an abstract.
An abstract is a summary of the article. It is a very helpful tool for determining if the article you found in the database is right for you.
Some citation styles, especially in scientific or technical publications, use journal title abbreviations in the references list.
The CASSI search tool can be used to generate the abbreviated form of journal titles. The tool can also be used to look up an abbreviated title and determine the full name of the journal.
JournalSeek is another searchable database for journal information. It has more coverage for journals in the arts, humanities, etc. than CASSI.