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Communication: Home

Quick Guide to Resources

Use Primo to do a basic search for just about anything: articles, books, conference proceedings, theses, and more.

Use the Journal Search tool to find a journal by its title or ISSN.

Use the Databases A-Z tool to go to a specific database. Searching within a database will give you a more focused search than using Primo but your results will be limited to resources within that specific database.

Each database is different and covers different resource types. To learn more about a database or find the right one for you, talk to a librarian.

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Need help using Primo? See this video.

General Library Links

Communication Research

This guide will provide you with information about resources available through Herrick Library to help support learning, teaching, and writing research.

The Communication Librarian provides a number of services including:

  • Information literacy and library instruction tutorials
  • Resource instruction
  • Research support
  • Contact for book and journal recommendations

Using this Guide

This resource guide has links and information to help you start your research for Communication. You can navigate to the following tabs above:

  • Databases - this tab will explain what a database is and provide you with links to some of the most helpful databases for doing general research. You will be able to use these databases to access journal articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and more!
  • Books - this tab will provide you with tools helpful to finding electronic and physical books inside and outside of the AU Libraries.
  • Media - this tab will provide you with tools helpful to finding digitally accessible media like audio recordings as well ass visual media like photographs and videos.
  • Reference - Reference books include encyclopedias, almanacs, handbooks, guides, and maps. They can help you find quick factual information and are a good place to get background information. Use this tab to find out general information about your topic.
  • Citation Help - In your courses and throughout your academic career you will need to cite your sources. Citing sources shows where you found your research, gives you credibility, and gives credit to the scholars that did the research you are using. This page will provide videos and links to help you construct appropriate citations for your papers.


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Shauna-Kay Harrison
Scholes Library, Room 216

Writing Resources