Graduate students who are getting ready to submit a thesis should see the Inamori School of Engineering Thesis Timeline and Graduate Manual.
Documents below are for your convenience.
Theses dating back to the 1930s are available in Scholes Library. Search the library catalog.
Electrical Engineering - Master's Theses - TP2 A75
Mechanical Engineering - Master's Theses - TP2 A85
Ceramic Engineering and Materials Science:
The Inamori School of Engineering uses the reference style of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for undergraduate and graduate theses.
For assistance with using the ACS style, or reference management software, ask your librarian.
There are several reference management software options available; either Zotero or EndNote is recommended:
Zotero is a free option. It is open-source and has plug-ins for Word, LibreOffice, and GoogleDocs.
EndNote is a paid product made available by Alfred University to AU students, faculty, and staff. The desktop version will need to be downloaded from the U:Drive.
U:Drive > Public > AU Libraries > Endnote
Some citation styles, especially in scientific or technical publications, use journal title abbreviations in the references list.
The CASSI search tool can be used to generate the abbreviated form of journal titles. The tool can also be used to look up an abbreviated title and determine the full name of the journal.
JournalSeek is another searchable database for journal information. It has more coverage for journals in the arts, humanities, etc. than CASSI.