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Quick Guide to Resources

Use Primo to do a basic search for just about anything: articles, books, conference proceedings, theses, and more.

Use the Journal Search tool to find a journal by its title or ISSN.

Use the Databases A-Z tool to go to a specific database. Searching within a database will give you a more focused search than using Primo but your results will be limited to resources within that specific database.

Each database is different and covers different resource types. To learn more about a database or find the right one for you, talk to a librarian.

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General Library Links

Engineering Research

This guide will provide you with information about resources available through Scholes Library to help support learning, teaching, and engineering research

The Engineering Librarian provides a number of services including:

  • Library instruction tutorials
  • Resource instruction
  • In-depth research support
  • Research data management consultations
  • Thesis reference reviews
  • Contact for book and journal recommendations

What's in this Guide

This resource guide has links and information to help you navigate the wide variety of resources you'll use in engineering. Among these are:

Databases, which contain articles from many different journals. While there are some general databases, you'll find that using one focused on engineering and/or science will lead to more relevant results and allow more sophisticated searching. If you're trying to track down a citation, you may want to focus your search within a particular journal.

Standards, which are guidelines or rules for products, processes, test methods, and materials. Standards are developed and followed in order to produce a level of uniformity, interoperability, reliability, or means of comparison even when different parties are involved.

Technical Reports, which describe the progress or results of scientific or technical research and development. These documents generally do not go through the same peer review process that an academic journal article might, but they are important sources of professional knowledge. These are often published by the organization which did and/or sponsored the research.

You'll also find information specific to your engineering work here at Alfred, including Technical Communications and theses.