The Policies on Circulation, Electronic Resources Access, and Interlibrary Loan document outlines borrowing limits and loan periods, electronic resources access, and interlibrary loan privileges for various patron groups, including undergraduate students, honors students, graduate students, AUNY students, workshop participants, alumni, current and retired faculty/staff, visiting artists/researchers, and community members. Please direct any questions to
Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the front desk of Herrick Library to users with a valid Alfred University ID. Laptops are loaned for a period of two hours, for in-library use only. Borrowers are responsible for loss, theft, or damage to laptops.
Use of library computers is subject to the Policy for the Use of Computing Facilities at Alfred University.
Room reservation requests are processed using our online request form. Rooms are available during each library's open hours. Approval of requests takes place during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. Weekend reservations should be made prior to close of business on Friday to ensure approval. Room reservations that exceed three hours require approval by the library director. See the full policies below for details.
Librarians have priority in reserving the computer labs and classrooms in Herrick Library and Scholes Library for instructional sessions. Because students also use the computer lab to do library work it is not always possible to reserve the computer labs for classes that meet every week.
Due to space constraints, we cannot accept book or journal donations to the AU Libraries without pre-approval.
On a limited basis, we may be able to accept donations from Alfred University staff, faculty, or industry researchers and artists, within the scope of our collections. If you would like to get in touch to discuss a potential donation, please contact Collection Management librarian Maria Planansky at
For archival donations, please contact