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Collections at the Alfred University Libraries.

19th Century Collection

This book collection is a record of the early settlers in western New York State near Alfred. The collection showcases various categories of their readings and writings, including children's books, travel, folk medicine, suffrage, temperance, and abolition.

The 19th Century Collection is housed in the University Archives in Herrick Library. To access, contact

Alfred Collection

This is a local history book collection focused on the region of western New York State near Alfred. Materials include histories of the Town of Alfred and Allegany County, works about the Seventh Day Baptist denomination, genealogies, publications about Allegany County's fight against a low-level radioactive waste dump, and books published by Alfred University faculty and alumni.

The Alfred Collection is housed in the University Archives in Herrick Library. To access, contact

Artists' Books Collection

Artists' Books are works of art in their own right, created by artists as interactive works of art.  Though some may take traditional book form, others depart significantly from that format, ranging from posters to boxed collections of objects and beyond. Artists' Books are often completely unique, or have only a few copies created; they may be in the Alfred University Libraries collection and nowhere else.

The Artists’ Books collection is part of Scholes Special Collections, and is housed in the Special Collections room on the first floor of Scholes Library.

Confucius Institute Collection

The Confucius Institute Collection, located in Herrick Library, consists of materials on Chinese culture, literature and history. These items have been selected, and donated to the library, by the Confucius Institute.

Howells / Frechette Collection

This collection includes family documents, scrapbooks, diaries, lectures, letters and memorabilia which provide a window into social, literary artistic, and political life in the 19th and early 20th century in the United States and Canada as perceived through the eyes of William Cooper Howells (1807-1894) and his children and grandchildren, as well as Mark Twain, Hamlin Garland, and James Garfield. It was given to the University Archives in 1979 by Dr. Van Derck Frechette.

The Howell/Frechette is housed in the University Archives in Herrick Library. To access, contact

Juvenile Books Collection

Herrick Library has a collection of current and historic children's and juvenile literature, which may be of interest to English students, psychology and counseling students, education students, and others. Alfred University Libraries maintain the children's books collection for educational purposes, but these books are also used by the children and families of Alfred.

The juvenile books collection is located in Herrick Library. Many more children's, juvenile, and family resources are available through the Alfred Box of Books public library on Main Street and through the Southern Tier Library System.

Library of Friendship Collection

The Library of Friendship Collection at Scholes Library is dedicated to all students and instructors at the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. This visually stunning and powerful gift comprises a unique collection of books, catalogues, editions, and DVDs that provide the visitor insight into a vital, thriving Austrian art scene and a scientific analysis thereof. The Library of Friendship Collection was created to be a communication center for students and researchers who are interested the boundless energy of contemporary Austrian art.

The Library of Friendship collection is a product of collaboration between artist and government. In this collection, divisions of conscience and value are transcended by an ideal that is best represented and shared though art. This gift represents a conversation across time, borders and political divides while fostering a visual dialog between established and emerging artists.

The Library of Friendship Collection is a unique gift arranged by visiting artists Josef Schützenhöfer, Joachim Baur, and Barbara Edlinger.

Collected in generous collaboration with the Austrian Government and the following artists and institutions: Werkstadt Graz, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Universalmuseum Joanneum, ESC im Labor, Grazer Kunstverein, Kultur Service Gesellschaft Steiermark, Camera Austria, Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz, Karl Heinz Herber, Steirische Kulturinitiative, Landesregierung Steiermark, Josef Klammer, Haus Der Architektur Graz, Neue Galerie Im Ssz-Sammlungs-Und Studienzentrum

McNaughton Collection

The McNaughton Collection consists of current popular fiction and nonfiction for recreational reading. Books in the McNaughton Collection are found at Herrick Library.

Looking for more just-for-fun reading? Check out the Alfred Box of Books public library on Main Street.

Openhym Collection

The Openhym Collection, focusing on British literature and description, consists of more than 10,000 books, letters, photographs and personal papers donated by Evelyn Tennyson Openhym, a 1924 alumnae of Alfred University.

The collection is housed in two different areas in Herrick Library: items of value or in need of special handling are housed in the University Archives while much of the book collection is located on the main floor.

Reference Collection

Reference materials include works like dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, etc. -- items for looking things up rather than reading all the way through. Scholes Library has a reference collection, found on the main floor (Scholes Commons). Reference books do not circulate (cannot be checked out). In Herrick Library, reference-type books are part of the general collection.

Zine Collection

The Zine Collection, located at Scholes Library, is an interdisciplinary collection of resources that supports Alfred University's curricula and community by providing access to works by creators often underrepresented or excluded from academic library collections. The Zine Collection is part of an effort to actively add the work of BIPOC scholars and creators to library collections, and to add resources to support anti-oppression research and work to library collections. The Zine Collection reflects the campus community; in addition to purchasing zines from outside creators and vendors, AU Libraries actively acquire zines from students, staff, and faculty members.