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Collections at the Alfred University Libraries.

About Special Collections

Materials housed in Special Collections and Archives are rare, valuable, unique and/or fragile. They are stored separately from the general collections since they require additional security and oversight. Students are encouraged to interact with and learn from these materials!

Items in special collections and archives at Herrick and Scholes can be discovered through the catalog, finding aid, or consulting with an archivist. These items can be accessed during business hours. We recommend setting up an appointment with the collection or archive you are interested in.

Scholes Special Collections

The special collections at Scholes Library comprise a variety of rare, valuable, unique and/or fragile items including traditional books, artist books, zines, folios, and other materials that relate to art and engineering. These items are housed in the Special Collections room. Please contact John Hosford for an appointment,

Herrick Special Collections

The special collections at Herrick Library comprise a variety of rare, valuable, unique and/or fragile formats (books, letters, manuscripts, photographs, ephemera, etc.) and are housed with the University Archives. Please contact the archives staff to arrange an appointment, 


The Alfred University Archives are housed in Herrick Library and contain materials focused on the history of the institution, personnel, and research of Alfred University and local history of the region.

The New York State College of Ceramics (NYSCC) Archives are housed in Scholes Library and contain materials focused on the history of the institution, personnel, and research of the College of Ceramics.

Learn more about archives here.