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Course Reserves

Course reserves are materials that instructors have asked the library to make available for their students.

What are reserves?

Course reserves are materials that instructors have requested the library to make available for their students to use and share.  The functionality and parameters of course reserves are designed to support the goal of providing students with free access to required course related materials. To keep materials available for all students enrolled in a course, these items are for in-library use only.

Examples of past course reserve items include:

  • textbooks or other books on a course syllabus
  • articles/periodicals
  • homework assignments and solution sets
  • sample exams
  • audiovisual materials
  • tool kits
  • and more! 

Looking for Course Reserve Materials?

Course Reserves are usually shelved behind the front desk of either Herrick Memorial Library or Samuel R. Scholes Library.  If a professor has indicated that course materials are available in the library, be sure to note which library they are located in. Just stop into Herrick or Scholes and ask for the material at the front desk.

To help us find what you're looking for, you will need to provide your instructor’s name, course number, and/or title of the item (s) you wish to use. If you are unsure of any of this information it can be helpful to bring your course syllabus with you.

The libraries are unable to purchase copies of textbooks.  If having a copy of a textbook or other required course materials would be helpful to your success as a student please mention this to your professor.  Sometimes professors have extra copies of materials that can be placed on hold in either library.

Why do I have to check out reserves if they stay in the library?

Great question!  Checking out course reserves allows us to collect usage statistics.  Checking out materials helps us to make sure we know where these items are so we can continue to make them available for all students to use. Additionally, many course reserve items are professor-owned, so this helps the libraries to be good stewards of the borrowed items.


See what's available

Search for materials on reserve. You can search by book title, course number, course name, or professor's name.